Now Is The Time!
Happy Hump Day!
Now is the time to buy your firewood for the upcoming Winter. Why so early you ask? Well there are a few factors that will explain our reasoning.
When you purchase now, our lead times tend to be shorter. We can get your firewood delivered quickly. From September to March, we stay very busy and our lead times tend to run anywhere from 2 weeks to 2 months. So if you are low on firewood and it's freezing outside, you need firewood immediately and there is nothing worse if your firewood supply is low or your out and you need heat.
Spring and Summer we usually have a sale going and you can save some dollars by ordering when our demand isn't as high. Prices tend to rise in the Fall.
We stock logs year around and in the spring we have more logs on hand due to favorable weather conditions for our logger to cut and wood yard to split. Weather plays a large part in cutting trees and splitting the logs. Cold conditions put a strain on cutting and splitting equipment and frozen logs are the worst. Besides, we don't like freezing our crew into icicles.
Delivery conditions are better in the Spring and Summer. Safety for our drivers is priority. Icy, snow covered roads aren't safe for transport on some days which could potentially cause your delivery to be delayed.
Ordering early also gives your firewood time to season. Seasoned firewood burns faster and cleaner than green firewood. It can be stored all Spring and Summer in a stacked fashion in a shed or rack with plenty of air flow. If it is being stored outdoors, cover just the top of the firewood to allow airflow and sunshine helps too. When cold weather hits, you will be ready to burn.
We deliver firewood year around. There's no stopping us. We want to make sure you have the perfect amount of firewood when you need it! So order now and let's get you ready for Fall and Winter. We look forward to seeing you this Summer.
Leave us a comment and let us know what you think.
You can check us out at and see what our options are. We always here to help and answer any questions or concerns. You can also email us at or give us a call at 931-265-8846.